I need to create a database to store simulation results. What resources are out there to help me design this?
EDIT: For those who want more details...
We work with a discrete event simulation used by the military. Important simulation events are thus when weapons are fired, when kills occur, and also when weapons fail to kill a target. Other important events are when targets are detected or when they are no longer tracked. We keep pretty detailed log files that we then mine to calculate averages and other statistics. It's mainly the statistics that I'm concerned with storing in the database.
Another thing I want to include is the case ID. We identify different cases using an alphanumeric case ID string that corresponds to a particular combination of systems and important input parameters. For example, suppose a sensor could detect a target at 3 different ranges depending on mode, there would be a character in the case ID that corresponds to each level of detection range, labeled 0, 1, or 2. If there are enough levels of a given case, the case ID characters switch to letters after 9. This case ID would definitely be an important key in the database. Once we have stored the data, we need to retrieve certain numbers to make charts comparing different cases. We currently make the charts in Excel, but I've been adding more MATLAB recently.
As for the database technology, I thought I'd do the table design in Access to prototype things, then implement it in MS SQL Server. I'm planning to use Ruby to create HTML reports with data tables and graphs.