I disagree that FSM are trivial to implement. This is very short-sighted, and shows either a lack of familiarity with the alternatives, or the lack of experience with complex state machines.
The fundamental problem is that a state machine graph is obvious, but FSM code is not. Once you get beyond a dozen states and a score of transitions, FSM code becomes ugly and difficult to follow.
There are tools whereby you draw the state machine, and generate Java code for it. I don't know of any open source tools for that, however.
Now, getting back to Erlang/Scala, Scala has Actors and message passing as well, and is based on the JVM, so it might be a better alternative than Erlang given your constraints.
There's a DFA/NFA library on Scala as well, though it is not particularly a good one. It supports conversion from arbitrary regular expressions (ie, the literals need not be characters) into DFA/NFA.
I'll post some code below using it. In this code, the idea is creating a FSM which will accept any sequential combination of arbitrary prefixes for a list of words, the idea being looking up menu options without predefined keybinds.
import scala.util.regexp._
import scala.util.automata._
// The goal of this object below is to create a class, MyChar, which will
// be the domain of the tokens used for transitions in the DFA. They could
// be integers, enumerations or even a set of case classes and objects. For
// this particular code, it's just Char.
object MyLang extends WordExp {
type _regexpT = RegExp
type _labelT = MyChar
case class MyChar(c:Char) extends Label
// We now need to import the types we defined, as well as any classes we
// created extending Label.
import MyLang._
// We also need an instance (singleton, in this case) of WordBerrySethi,
// which will convert the regular expression into an automatum. Notice the
// language being used is MyLang.
object MyBerrySethi extends WordBerrySethi {
override val lang = MyLang
// Last, a function which takes an input in the language we defined,
// and traverses the DFA, returning whether we are at a sink state or
// not. For other uses it will probably make more sense to test against
// both sink states and final states.
def matchDet(pat: DetWordAutom[MyChar], seq: Seq[Char]): Boolean =
!pat.isSink((0 /: seq) ((state, c) => pat.next(state, MyChar(c))))
// This converts a regular expression to a DFA, with using an intermediary NFA
def compile(pat: MyLang._regexpT) =
new SubsetConstruction(MyBerrySethi.automatonFrom(pat, 100000)).determinize
// Defines a "?" function, since it isn't provided by the library
def Quest(rs: _regexpT*) = Alt(Eps, Sequ(rs: _*)) // Quest(pat) = Eps|pat = (pat)?
// And now, the algorithm proper. It splits the string into words
// converts each character into Letter[MyChar[Char]],
// produce the regular expression desired for each word using Quest and Sequ,
// then the final regular expression by using Sequ with each subexpression.
def words(s : String) = s.split("\\W+")
def wordToRegex(w : String) : Seq[MyLang._regexpT] = w.map(c => Letter(MyChar(c)))
def wordRegex(w : String) = Quest(wordToRegex(w) reduceRight ((a,b) => Sequ(a, Quest(b))))
def phraseRegex(s : String) = Sequ(words(s).map(w => wordRegex(w)) : _*)
// This takes a list of strings, produce a DFA for each, and returns a list of
// of tuples formed by DFA and string.
def regexList(l : List[String]) = l.map(s => compile(phraseRegex(s)) -> s)
// The main function takes a list of strings, and returns a function that will
// traverse each DFA, and return all strings associated with DFAs that did not
// end up in a sink state.
def regexSearcher(l : List[String]) = {
val r = regexList(l)
(s : String) => r.filter(t => matchDet(t._1, s)).map(_._2)