Solving a problem from Google Code Jam (2009.1A.A: "Multi-base happiness") I came up with an awkward (code-wise) solution, and I'm interested in how it could be improved.
The problem description, shortly, is: Find the smallest number bigger than 1 for which iteratively calculating the sum of squares of digits reaches 1, for all bases from a given list.
Or description in pseudo-Haskell (code that would solve it if elem
could always work for infinite lists):
solution =
head . (`filter` [2..]) .
all ((1 `elem`) . (`iterate` i) . sumSquareOfDigitsInBase)
And my awkward solution:
- By awkward I mean it has this kind of code:
happy <- lift . lift . lift $ isHappy Set.empty base cur
- I memoize results of the isHappy function. Using the State monad for the memoized results Map.
- Trying to find the first solution, I did not use
(like the pseudo-haskell above does), because the computation isn't pure (changes state). So I iterated by using StateT with a counter, and a MaybeT to terminate the computation when condition holds. - Already inside a
MaybeT (StateT a (State b))
, if the condition doesn't hold for one base, there is no need to check the other ones, so I have anotherMaybeT
in the stack for that.
import Control.Monad.Maybe
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
type IsHappyMemo = State (Map.Map (Integer, Integer) Bool)
isHappy :: Set.Set Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> IsHappyMemo Bool
isHappy _ _ 1 = return True
isHappy path base num = do
memo <- get
case Map.lookup (base, num) memo of
Just r -> return r
Nothing -> do
r <- calc
when (num < 1000) . modify $ Map.insert (base, num) r
return r
| num `Set.member` path = return False
| otherwise = isHappy (Set.insert num path) base nxt
nxt =
sum . map ((^ (2::Int)) . (`mod` base)) .
takeWhile (not . (== 0)) . iterate (`div` base) $ num
solve1 :: [Integer] -> IsHappyMemo Integer
solve1 bases =
fmap snd .
(`runStateT` 2) .
runMaybeT .
forever $ do
(`when` mzero) . isJust =<<
runMaybeT (mapM_ f bases)
lift $ modify (+ 1)
f base = do
cur <- lift . lift $ get
happy <- lift . lift . lift $ isHappy Set.empty base cur
unless happy mzero
solve :: [String] -> String
solve =
concat .
(`evalState` Map.empty) .
mapM f .
zip [1 :: Integer ..]
f (idx, prob) = do
s <- solve1 . map read . words $ prob
return $ "Case #" ++ show idx ++ ": " ++ show s ++ "\n"
main :: IO ()
main =
getContents >>=
putStr . solve . tail . lines
Other contestants using Haskell did have nicer solutions, but solved the problem differently. My question is about small iterative improvements to my code.