



Hi guys, im using Django Profiles, and i need to make some change in the profile form.

In the normal way my form is fine completly, but now i would like a litter change, add jquery for repopulate a select form.

The problem is that Django Profile make the form from the model, so i would like to add a attribute id to the select form (i did yet), but then the select dont show me the options (values), i dont understand why, the select form bring the value from another model with FK.

Thanks guys :), Sorry with my English

my custom part is :

def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
                super(_ProfileForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
                self.fields['birth_date'].widget = widget=SelectDateWidget(years=range(,1900,-1))            
                self.fields['sector'].widget= forms.Select(attrs={'onchange':'get_vehicle_color();'})


def get_profile_form():
    Return a form class (a subclass of the default ``ModelForm``)
    suitable for creating/editing instances of the site-specific user
    profile model, as defined by the ``AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE``
    setting. If that setting is missing, raise

    profile_mod = get_profile_model()

    class _ProfileForm(forms.ModelForm):
        class Meta:
            model = profile_mod
            exclude = ('user',) # User will be filled in by the view.
        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            super(_ProfileForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
            self.fields['birth_date'].widget = widget=SelectDateWidget(years=range(,1900,-1))            
            self.fields['sector'].widget= forms.Select(attrs={'onchange':'get_sector_code();'})
    return _ProfileForm

Try this:

 class _ProfileForm(forms.ModelForm):
     birth_date = forms.DateTimeField(
         widget = SelectDateWidget(years=range(,1900,-1))
     sector = forms.ChoiceField(
         widget = Select(attrs={'onchange':'get_sector_code();'})

     class Meta:
         model = profile_mod
         exclude = ('user',) # User will be filled in by the view.
Thanks David, but is not working :(