I searched around but I couldn't find a straight answer to these questions, only bits and pieces: if I install windows seven x64,
1 - will I be able to use delphi 2007+ as I'm used to aka start it, code in it, debug in it, compile in it ? I've seen the debugger issue and the hex edit workaround.
2 - will my application compiled in that environnement work on 32 bit versions of windows ?
3 - will my application I compiled with delphi on 32 bit windows work this 64 bit version ?
(of course all this is assuming "normal" applications as-in I don't expect things to work if I'm playing with pointers expecting them to be 32 bits long, obviously)
The overall question of this would be, as someone who is moving to windows seven 64 bits, will I be able to/should I use this as my main delphi developpement platform or will i be better off keeping a 32 bit boot for delphi dev ?
Thanks to anyone who can give me a clue about this