




so after a few months with JavaScript I decided to head back to my sweet c++. I started a new project and for the fun of it tried to compile the default file the comes up. now, everything looks weird already. the 'create project' wizard doesn't look how I remembered it. heck, even the main function is written differently now:

#include "stdafx.h"

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])

    return 0;

what's up with this _tmain? what is stdafx?

when I compiled the program I got:

1>LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'C:\Users\Almog\Desktop\proj\dev\pearls\stdpearls\Debug\stdpearls.exe'

ok.. in the middle pops up an anti virus window alerting me that HackTool.gwe is a suspected file and I should heal it or move it to the vault or something of that sort. HackTool.gwe was the file I compiled, huh?

edit: creating another project and compiling him doesn't give me an error though they have the exact same code, exact same options, what does this mean? everything kinda works now but I'm really curious, especially about that hacktool.gwe

does anyone have a clue what's going on?


+1  A: 

Did you ask for an MFC based project? STDAFX is used to pull in MFC libraries I seem to recall. _tmain is just a macro to make the main signature portable across the various in windows platforms.

Preet Sangha
stdafx.h is for precompiled headers. It has nothing to do with MFC.
_tmain is used for unicode or ansi entry.
but I don't understand, the wizard actually looks different - does VS express do background updating? and what's with HackTool.gwe?
@leiz: yes of course it is. Been so long since I did C++
Preet Sangha