I don't believe it's possible.
If you're generating log files, you should generate them into one of the standard locations anyway, so this won't be an issue.
I don't believe it's possible.
If you're generating log files, you should generate them into one of the standard locations anyway, so this won't be an issue.
There is one way to get you log files into the console.
You can add a symlink to the log file or log directory to one of the directories in the list. The directory ~/Library/Logs
seems like the logical choice for adding your own log files.
For myself I wanted easy access to apache2 logs. I installed apache2 using macports and the default log file is located at /opt/local/apache2/logs
Thus all I did was create the symlink to that directory.
# cd ~/Library/Logs
# ln -s /opt/local/apache2/logs/ apache2
Now I can easily use the console.app to get to the logs.
In Terminal run this command... append any log file directories you want to add
defaults write com.apple.Console LogFolderPaths -array '~/Library/Logs/' '/Library/Logs/' '/var/log/' '/opt/local/var/log/'
I actually just came across this option that worked perfectly for me:
Actually if you open terminal and...
$ cd /Library/Logs
then sym-link to your new log directory. eg i want my chroot'ed apache logs as 'www'
$ ln -s /chroot/apache/private/var/log www
then re-open Console.app
drill down into /Library/Logs and you will find your sym-linked directory.