+3  A: 

I don't believe it's possible.

If you're generating log files, you should generate them into one of the standard locations anyway, so this won't be an issue.

Chris Hanson
+3  A: 

There is one way to get you log files into the console.

You can add a symlink to the log file or log directory to one of the directories in the list. The directory ~/Library/Logs seems like the logical choice for adding your own log files.

For myself I wanted easy access to apache2 logs. I installed apache2 using macports and the default log file is located at /opt/local/apache2/logs.

Thus all I did was create the symlink to that directory.

# cd ~/Library/Logs
# ln -s /opt/local/apache2/logs/ apache2

Now I can easily use the console.app to get to the logs.

Tao Zhyn
+1  A: 

In Terminal run this command... append any log file directories you want to add

defaults write com.apple.Console LogFolderPaths -array '~/Library/Logs/' '/Library/Logs/' '/var/log/' '/opt/local/var/log/'

Clint Modien
This didn't seem to work for me on Leopard 1.5.7, am I missing something?
Ted Naleid
Doesn't work for me either (sasme OS/version) - any ideas?
Sorry I thumbed it up before trying. That default doesn't exist.

I actually just came across this option that worked perfectly for me:

Actually if you open terminal and...

$ cd /Library/Logs

then sym-link to your new log directory. eg i want my chroot'ed apache logs as 'www'

$ ln -s /chroot/apache/private/var/log www

then re-open Console.app

drill down into /Library/Logs and you will find your sym-linked directory.




chris hough