In the example, the value 1.5F has an exact representation in IEEE 754 (and pretty much any other conceivable binary or decimal floating point representation), so the answer is almost certainly going to be yes. However, there is no guarantee, and there could be compilers which do not manage to achieve the result.
If you change the value to one without an exact binary representation, such as 5.1F, the result is far from guaranteed.
Way, way, way back in their excellent classic book "The Elements of Programming Style", Kernighan & Plauger said:
A wise programmer once said, "Floating point numbers are like sand piles; every time you move one, you lose a little sand and you pick up a little dirt". And after a few computations, things can get pretty dirty.
(It's one of two phrases in the book that I highlighted many years ago1.)
They also observe:
- 10.0 times 0.1 is hardly ever 1.0.
- Don't compare floating point numbers just for equality
Those observations were made in 1978 (for the second edition), but are still fundamentally valid today.
If the question is viewed at its most extremely restricted scope, you may be OK. If the question is varied very much, you are more likely to be bitten than not, and you'll probably be bitten sooner rather later.
1 The other highlighted phrase is (minus bullets):
- the subroutine call permits us to summarize the irregularities in the argument list [...]
- [t]he subroutine itself summarizes the regularities of the code [...]