I doubt any human could extract anything meaningful from reading 5000 lines of code in a day.
My view is that code reviews should be interactive, which also keeps them interesting. If I'm responsible for reviewing someone else's code, I don't care for the approach of having them walk me through it. They might focus on the stuff they like, or what they think they did well, when I'm generally interested in the opposite.
The format I like is for me to sit at a laptop connected to a projector, and display the code on the screen so that I can easily hop from one section to another. Then while reading code on the screen, ask the developer questions: why did you do it this way? do you always do it like that? how did you decide on this structure? where is the unit test for x? -- while also making observations: could use more comments here, this code formatting doesn't meet standards, etc. Plus, having the dev or maybe someone else in the room take notes about things the dev should look at or fix later, with clear instructions that common problems should be fixed in all of their code, not just the code that was reviewed.
The idea is not to look at every line of code. That's a dev manager's job, or maybe QA. The idea in a code review is primarily to double-check the thought processes behind the code, including the architecture, flow, etc, as well as to look at the quality aspects: performance, scalability and security.
If you try to do or look at too much, not only will you burn out, but the results won't be useful to anyone.