



I have an iPhone app with a UITextView. I'd like to be able to paste the clipboard contents into it without showing the UIMenuController.

I tried calling the paste: method on the UITextView, and on the first responder, but neither of those things worked.

I was able to implement this by writing a bunch of code to read text from the clipboard, insert it in the UITextView's text property, and update the selection range. I also added support for undo/redo. But it seems like there ought to be an easier way. Is there?


Did you try making the UITextView the first responder?

Yes, did that, and keyboard was visible.
Kristopher Johnson

I checked out the headers to the UITextView object, but I couldn't find any documented method called -paste; also, looking over the NSPasteboard class suggests to me that programatically setting your text was the right way to go.

If pasting text is important to your app, I would consider setting up a class to handle it; maybe even make it a singleton if it was important enough.

Good luck!
