




Hi, folks !

Is there any serial port facilities in Qt ?

If not, which crossplatform (desirable) libraries (for working with serial port and, maybe, with other I/O ports), do you recommend ?

+5  A: 

Take a look at the Project QextSerialPort.

Frank Bollack
works very well for me.
+4  A: 

Well, there's always Boost.

In Boost there is a great Async I/O library called ASIO. It can perform operations in all sorts of endpoints, including serial ports.

There is a great example about how to build a minicom-like application using Boost::Asio, that you can use to see if ASIO will attend your needs.

Since boost works on all platforms/compilers under the sun, the cross platform requirement can be checked.


Edu Felipe
+2  A: 

Use QSerialDevice


Thank you kuzulis! QSerialDevice works fine! If there is a chance to do the task in Qt, I would never select boost as alternative.

Valentin Heinitz
+2  A: 

Here is a Qt serial library, works on Win, WinCE, Linux (i386 and ARM), Mac...


Also, it is based on QIODevice for a native feel, with it you can, if you like, direct serial communication onto TCPIP with little no no effort.

It is LGPL also... enjoy.