I have an EXCEL sheet.it has various form-fields that are named as
“smrBgm133GallonsGross/ smrBgm167GallonsGross “
“smrEgm133GallonsGross/ smrEgm167GallonsGross “
I added to the XCEL sheets 2 new form fields named
The above additons I made in EXCEL should ACTUALLy be named as
`smrBgm229GallonsGross/smrEgm229GallonsGross` because. This is a MUST for the Delphi application to function properly.
This Delphi-4 application extracts , and vewrifys the form DATA in tandem with the DB.
My Delphi-4 application works (checks/inserts/retrieves) so that current months beginning gallon of milk “bgm229” is equal to last months ending gallon of milk “egm229” , and then throw an exception if they are different.
Excel sheets:- Bgm167GrosGalnsDA/ Egm160GrosGalnsDA
Delphi Code (DB- input/ DB- output/validation):- bgm229/ egm229
SQL 2005 DB:- bgm167DA/ egm167DA
Actually the columns I ADDED should have been named asa "smrEgm133GallonsGross/ smrEgm167GallonsGross "...I messed up in naming them and they are on the production now....
In the Delphi procedure,for the beginning inventory, the code it is
ExtractFormBgmInfo(smrMilkAvMilk, 'smrBgm133');
ExtractFormBgmInfo(smrMilkDe, 'smrBgm167');
For ending inventory the code it is
ExtractFormEgmInfo(smrMilkAvMilk, 'smrEgm133');
ExtractFormEgmInfo(smrMilkDe, 'smrEgm167');
I am adding “smrBgm229GrosGalns/smrEgm229GrosGalns” to the list But the issue is that they are named erroneously as “smrBgm167GrosGalnsDA/ smrEgm167GrosGalnsDA” IN THE EXCEL sheets, while they are to be named as 'smrBgm229/'smrEgm229''(as is the case in the Delphi code). Hence. I added ...to the above
ExtractFormBgmInfo(smrMilkAvMilk, 'smrBgm133');
ExtractFormBgmInfo(smrMilkDe, 'smrBgm167');
ExtractFormBgmInfo(smrMilkDyedDe, 'smrBgm229');
ExtractFormEgmInfo(smrMilkAvMilk, 'smrEgm133');
ExtractFormEgmInfo(smrMilkDe, 'smrEgm167');
ExtractFormEgmInfo(smrMilkDyedDe, 'smrEgm229');
This throws an error , as smrBgm229GallonsGross /smrEgm229GallonsGross are not defined in the EXCEL sheets .So the issue is how do I convert “smrBgm167GrosGalnsDA” from Excel sheets into “smrBgm229GallonsGross” and then make my “ExtractForm” statement correct?
Please help there is an release scheduled today and got to discuss this with my superirors