



Could anyone please compare Axis2 and Sun metro web service based on following parameters?

  1. Speed

  2. Hot Deployment

  3. Flexibility

  4. Stability

  5. Composition and Extensibility

  6. Security

  7. Document availability and easy to use.


I prefer pure JAX-WS instead of Axis2. It's really nice! The only case when I used Axis1 is for java 1.4 compatibility (on client side).

IMHO, JAX-WS is a reference implementation of web-service stack from sun, when Axis is just a try to be real ws. Why not to google? There are a lot of info :)

As a side note, JAX-WS is the "standard," Metro is the reference implementation.
R. Bemrose
Agree, but metro distribution build around the JAX-WS :)
@R. Bemrose: JAX-WS (JSR 224) is the standard, JAX-WS is the also the name of the reference implementation. Metro combines JAX-WS and other libraries e.g. JAX-B and WSIT.
+2  A: 

Metro is just the reference implementation of JAX-WS. Incidentally, it's included in j2ee 5 / Java 6.

Metro isn't that hard to use, either... as long as you have access to the command line for wsgen (for the server-side) and wsimport (for the client side), that is.

The biggest problem with JAX-WS and Metro specifically is that Eclipse's support for it is quite bad.

Note: There are other implementations of the JAX-WS standard; Metro's just good if you don't want to install additional libraries.

R. Bemrose
+1  A: 

Your criterias are covered in an article comparing Axis2 and JAX-WS RI / Metro
