I'm trying to figure out why the mail function in PHP fails when called via web browser (i.e. apache), but I can run the same script from the command line using
php -f mailtest.php
This is one of my client's Fedora servers, so I don't grok it completely, but I do have root access should I need to change anything.
from php.ini:
sendmail_path = /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i
Not sure if this could matter, but /usr/sbin/sendmail is a symlink to /etc/alternatives/mta, which is a symlink back to /usr/sbin/sendmail.sendmail. FWIW the apache user does have permission to run sendmail (tested sendmail directly from the command line).
OS: Fedora Core 7 Linux (kernel
Apache: 2.2.8
PHP: 5.2.6
Any help here will be greatly appreciated!