Hey everyone,
So I have been working on a 2 player Tic-Tac-Toe game in java that utilizes sockets. All of the socket stuff is working, and I am sending data back and forth successfully between 2 clients and a server.
I have the following classes: Requester, Provider, and TBoard (which extends Serializable).
In the Requester (client) class, I instantiate an object of TBoard (TBoard board = new TBoard()
I then send that object through the socket to my two clients, via an output stream.
The error I am getting is on the client-side, and it is: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String
That's happening with:
board = (TBoard) in.readObject(); in:
do {
try {
board = (TBoard) in.readObject();
} catch (ClassNotFoundException classNot) {
System.err.println("data received in unknown format");
My print_board() method in the TBoard class is meant to return a 2d array, but for right now (simplification purposes), I have the method returning the string "Hello"...
Does anyone know why this may be happening? I didn't want to bombard you all with code, but please let me know if posting any more may be helpful...
Here is what I have going on (in more detail) with my Provider (server) class:
// 1. creating a server socket
providerSocket = new ServerSocket(20092);
// 2. Wait for connection
System.out.println("Waiting for connection...");
connection1 = providerSocket.accept();
System.out.println("Connection received from Player 1 " +
connection2 = providerSocket.accept();
System.out.println("Connection received from Player 2 " + connection2.getInetAddress().getHostName());
// 3. get Input and Output streams
out = new ObjectOutputStream(connection1.getOutputStream());
out2 = new ObjectOutputStream(connection2.getOutputStream());
in = new ObjectInputStream(connection1.getInputStream());
out.writeObject("Player 1 has been connected successfully.");
in2 = new ObjectInputStream(connection2.getInputStream());
out2.writeObject("Player 2 has been connected successfully.");
So I am indeed sending a String in the streams before sending the last object (board). However, I am flushing out the streams beforehand. I also tried reset()'s after the flushes, and it still gave me the IllegalCastException...