I wrote a package to query rows from a table. This select query will call other functions and returns all the rows from table. But when i write a package with all functions and sprocs , my sproc with select statement gives me an error saying i cannot execute without into statement. But if i use into then it will return only one row. How can i retrieve all rows using oracle sp?
Procedure GetData As
Select Jobid, JobName, JobLocation, JobCompany, X(jobid) FROM jobsTable; END GetData;
I had to change it to following make the error go away:
Procedure GetData As
r_Jobid jobsTable.jobid%type;
r_JobName jobsTable.jobName%type;
r_JobLocation jobsTable.jobLocation%type;
r_temp varhar2(10);
Select Jobid, JobName, JobLocation, JobCompany, X(jobid)
INTO r_jobid, r_jobName, r_jobLocation, r_temp
FROM jobsTable;
END GetData;