I have a classic ASP page with some code to check if an email exists in the table as follows;
'' //Check the submitted email against existing ones in the database
set CmdCheckEmail = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
CmdCheckEmail.ActiveConnection = MM_dbconn_STRING
CmdCheckEmail.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT(ReferredEmail) AS 'CountEmail' FROM TenantReferral WHERE ReferredEmail = '" & Request("Email") & "'"
CmdCheckEmail.CommandType = 1
CmdCheckEmail.CommandTimeout = 0
CmdCheckEmail.Prepared = true
countEmail = CmdCheckEmail("CountEmail")
set CmdCheckEmail = nothing
set conn = nothing
If(countEmail >= 1) Then
Message = Message & "<p>This email address has already been referred.</p>"
End If
However, the page is reporting the following error;
SELECT COUNT(ReferredEmail) AS 'CountEmail' FROM TenantReferral WHERE ReferredEmail = '[email protected]'
ADODB.Command error '800a0cc1'
Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.
/default2.asp, line 19
Line 19 is as follows;
countEmail = CmdCheckEmail("CountEmail")
The email does exist in the table and the table simply has the following columns; ReferredEmail and ReferredCode
I wondered if anyone might be able to shed any light on this error?
Thank you.