Just one question: WTF are you trying do?
I just can't found what is practical purpose of this function. I think you do something odd. It seems that you just improved from O(N*M^2) to O(N*M*logM) but it is still very bad.
When I synthesize what is goal, It seems that you are trying use Monte Carlo method to determine probabilities of team's 'finishing positions' in English Premiere League. But I'm still not sure. You can determine most probable position [1,1,2] -> 1
or as fractional number as some sort of average 1.33 - for example this last one can be achieve with less effort than others.
In functional programing languages data structures are more important that in procedural or OO ones. They are more about work-flow. You will do this and than this and than ... In functional language as Erlang you should think in manner, I have this input and I want that output. Required output I can determine from this and this and so. There may be not necessary have list of things as you used to be in procedural approaches.
In procedural approaches you are used to use arrays for storage with constant random access. List is not that such thing. There are not arrays in Erlang where you can write (even array module which is balanced tree in reality). You can use tuple or binary for read only array but no one read write. I can write a lot about that there doesn't exist data structure with constant access time at all (from RAM, through arrays in procedural languages to HASH maps) but there is not enough space to explain it in detail here (from RAM technology, through L{1,2,3} CPU caches to necessity increase HASH length when number of keys increase and key HASH computation dependency of key length).
List is data structure which have O(N) random access time. It is best structure for store data which you want take one by one in same order as stored in list. For small N it can be capable structure for random access for small N when corresponding constant is small. For example when N is number of teams (20) in your problem it can be faster than O(logN) access to some sort of tree. But you must take care how big your constant is.
One of common component of algorithms are Key-Value lookups. There can be used arrays as supporting data structure in procedural world in some circumstances. Key must be integer number, space of possible key must not be to sparse and so. List doesn't serve as its substitution well for this purpose except for very small N here. I learn that best way how write functional code is avoid Key-Value lookups where is unnecessary. It often needs rearrange work-flow or refactoring data structures and so. Sometimes it looks like flip over problem solution like glove.
If I ignore that your probability model is wrong. From information you provide it seems that in your model team's season points are independent random events which is not true of course. There is impossible that all teams have some high amount of point, 82 for example just because there is some limit of points taken by all teams in one season. So forgot for this for now. Then I will simulate one 'path' - season and take result in form [{78,'Liverpool'}, {81,'Man Utd'}, ...]
, then I can sort it using lists:sort without loosing information which team is where. Results I would collect using iteration by path. For each path I would iterate over sorted simulation result and collect it in dictionary where team is key (constant and very cheap hash computation from atom and constant storage because key set is fixed, there is possibility to use tuples/records but seems like premature optimization). Value can be tuple of size 20 and position in tuple is final position and value is count of it.
Something like:
% Process simulation results.
% Results = [[{Points, Team}]]
process(Results) ->
lists:foldl(fun process_path/2,
dict:from_list([{Team, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}} ||
Team <- ['Liverpool', 'Man Utd', ...]]),
% process simulation path result
process_path(R, D) ->
process_path(lists:reverse(lists:sort(R)), D, 1).
process_path([], _, D) -> D;
process_path([{_, Team}|R], D, Pos) ->
process_path(R, update_team(Team, Pos, D), Pos + 1).
% update team position count in dictionary
update_team(Team, Pos, D) ->
dict:update(Team, fun(T) -> add_count(T, Pos) end, D).
% Add final position Pos to tuple T of counts
add_count(T, P) -> setelement(P, T, element(P, T) + 1).
Notice that there is nothing like lists:index_of
or lists:nth function. Resulting complexity will look like O(N*M) or O(N*M*logM) for small number M of Teams, but real complexity is O(N*M^2) for O(M) setelement/3
in add_count/2
. For bigger M you should change add_count/2
to some more reasonable.