Hey All,
I'm completely stumped with this problem. I made a custom search control that uses a few different classes. For some reason, when an NSTextField is anywhere over these different pieces, it displays a solid black border around it, and the cursor doesn't blink.
If anyone has a couple minutes - I've put together my code on pastebin.
Here's a picture of the search control, and what it looks like in this particular case: http://imgur.com/6y8qx.png
The search control is sitting on top of a gradient view:
The search control is pieced together with this code:
The actual graphical part of the search control is built from two classes:
http://pastebin.com/m5e909a2f (extends above class)
I cannot find what the heck is wrong. The text works, but there's a black border, and the cursor doesn't blink. What am I doing wrong?
Arg, I've been pulling my hair out for days on this one.