



I'm trying to insert data into my SQlite3 database (this works via the command line). I gave the data1.db file 777 permissions and still it says it's unable to open the file.

I get this error:

Warning: SQLite3::exec() [sqlite3.exec]: unable to open database file in /var/www/test.php on line 3

Using this code:

$db = new SQLite3('./data1.db');
$db->exec("INSERT INTO table1 (fileName) VALUES ('test.txt')");

But the strange thing is that I can read from the database: (this works)

print_r($db->querySingle('SELECT fileName FROM table1', true));

I'm running PHP 5.3.0

+6  A: 

The folder containing the SQLite file must be writeable by the web user, if you want to make changes to it. It's not enough that the .db file is writeable.


Bill Karwin
+1  A: 

Try adding the sqlite user to the group which owns the /var/www directories, or manually chown -R user:user /var/www/ , the directory needs to be writable by the sqlite user.
