



Is it possible in C++ to stringify template arguments? I tried this:

#define STRINGIFY(x) #x

template <typename T>
struct Stringify

int main() 
     Stringify<int> s;

But what I get is a 'T', and not an 'int'. Seems that the preprocessors kicks in before template resolution.

Is there any other way to do this?

Is there any way for the preprocessing to take place after template resolution? (Compiler is VC++).

+11  A: 

You could try


Edit: Fixed based on comments.

Just keep in mind compilers don't necessarily have to give a meaning return value for `name()`, but most do.
This should be `typeid()`, not `typeinfo()` - the latter is the name of the header `<typeinfo>`, and also `std::type_info` is the class type of object returned by `typeid()`.
Pavel Minaev
+7  A: 

No, you cannot work on types as if they were variables. You could write code that extracted the typeid() of an element and printed the name, but the resulting value will probably not be what you expect (type names are not standarized).

You can also work with template specializations (and some macro magic) to achieve a more interesting version if the number of types you want to work with is limited:

template <typename T> const char* printtype(); // not implemented

// implement specializations for given types
#define DEFINE_PRINT_TYPE( type ) \
const char* printtype<type>() {\
   return #type;\
// ... and so on
template <typename T> void test()
   std::cout << printtype<T>() << std::endl;
int main() {
   test<float>(); // compilation error, printtype undefined for float

Or you could even combine both versions: implement the printtype generic template using typeinfo and then provide specializations for the types you want to have fancier names.

template <typename T>
const char* printtype()
   return typeid(T).name();
David Rodríguez - dribeas
You want to return "T" from type_constructor i think, or write "typeid(T).name()". If it returns a reference, typeid will evaluate the function call and look into the vtable/etc of the "object".
Johannes Schaub - litb
I thought of that, but it worked with the naïve tests I made up (none of them where references into a base of a hierarchy with rtti), thanks.
David Rodríguez - dribeas
Good point about the polymorphism. After looking up, i found the standard says that for lvalues with non-polymorphic types, the operand is unevaluated too.
Johannes Schaub - litb
I have reworked the solution to provide the const char* value instead of directly printing it. Also changed typeid to use the type instead of a fake instance of it.
David Rodríguez - dribeas
+9  A: 

You could use some template magic.

#include <iostream>

template <typename T>
struct TypeName { static const char *name; };

template <typename T>
const char *TypeName<T>::name = "unknown";

template <>
const char *TypeName<int>::name = "int";

template <typename T>
struct Stringify
          std::cout << TypeName<T>::name << std::endl;

int main() 
     Stringify<int> s;

This has an advantage over RTTI (i.e. typeinfo) - it is resolved during compilation; and disadvantage - you need to provide type information yourself (unless there is some library that does that already that I'm not aware of; maybe something in Boost even).

Or, as Matrin York suggested in comments, use inline function templates instead:

template <typename T>
inline const char* typeName(void) { return "unknown"; }

template <>
inline const char* typeName<int>(void) { return "int"; }

// ...
std::cout << typeName<T>() << std::endl;

But, if you'll ever need to store more information about that particular type, then class templates will probably be better.

Rather than building variables. Build inline functions that return the appropriate string. Then you will not have the problem of multi-definintions that may crop up with this method.
Martin York
Good idea, I've edited my answer.
+5  A: 

Your code doesn't work because the preprocessor, responsible for searching and expanding the macros you use in your code, is not aware of the language itself. It is just a text parser. It finds that STRINGIFY(T) in the very function template and expand it, much before you give a type to that template. As it turns out, you will always get "T" instead of the typename you expected, unfortunately.

As litb suggested, I've (badly) implemented this `getTypeName' function template that returns the typename you pass it:

#include <iostream>

template <typename _Get_TypeName>
const std::string &getTypeName()
    static std::string name;

    if (name.empty())
        const char *beginStr = "_Get_TypeName =";
        const size_t beginStrLen = 15; // Yes, I know...
                                       // But isn't it better than strlen()?

        size_t begin,length;
        name = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__;

        begin = name.find(beginStr) + beginStrLen + 1;
        length = name.find("]",begin) - begin;
        name = name.substr(begin,length);

    return name;

int main()
    typedef void (*T)(int,int);

    // Using getTypeName()
    std::cout << getTypeName<float>() << '\n';
    std::cout << getTypeName<T>() << '\n'; // You don't actually need the
                                           // typedef in this case, but
                                           // for it to work with the
                                           // typeid below, you'll need it

    // Using typeid().name()
    std::cout << typeid(float).name() << '\n';
    std::cout << typeid(T).name() << '\n';

    return 0;

The code above results in the following output with GCC flag -s ("strip all symbols from binary") enabled:

void (*)(int, int)

So, you see, getTypename() does a fairly better job, at the cost of that fugly string parsing hack (I KNOW, it's damn ugly).

A few points to take into account:

  • The code is GCC only. I don't know how to port it to another compiler. Probably only a few others have such a facility to produce so pretty function names, and from what I searched, MSVC++ doesn't have one, if you're asking yourself that.
  • If, in a new version, GCC formats __PRETTY_FUNCTION__'s differently, the string matching can break and you'll have to fix it. For this same reason I also warn that getTypeName() might be good for debugging (and, still, maybe not even good for that), but it is surely bad, bad, and bad for other purposes such as comparing two types in a template or something like that (I don't know, just guessing what someone might think of..). Use it solely for debugging, and preferentially don't call it in release builds (use macros to disable), so that you don't use __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ and thus the compiler doesn't produce the string for it.
  • I'm definitely no expert, and I'm not sure whether some odd type could cause the string matching to fail. I'd like to ask for people who read this post to comment if they know of such a case.
  • The code uses a static std::string. It means that, if some exception is thrown from its constructor or destructor, there is no way that it will reach a catch block and you'll get an unhandled exception. I don't know whether std::strings can do that, but beware that, if they do, you're potentially in trouble. I used it because it needs a destructor to free the memory. You could implement your own class for that, though, ensuring no exception is thrown besides allocation failure (that's pretty much fatal, isn't it? So...), and return a simple C-string.
  • With typedefs you can get some weird results, like this (for some reason, the site breaks the formatting of this snippet, so I'm using this paste link):

Despite those disadvantages, I'd like to say that it sure is fast. For the second time you lookup for one same type name, it will cost picking a reference to a global std::string containing the name. And, comparatively to the template specialiazation methods suggested before, there is nothing else you have to declare besides the very template itself, so it is really much easier to use.

+1  A: 

This breaks on of my primary tenets of C++ code writing: Avoid using tricks in both the template features and the preprocessor at the same time.

Part of the reason for templates and the nastiness they introduce into the language was an attempt to wean developers away from using the preprocessor. If you use both, then the terrorists win.

I disagree. Macros can indeed be very bad, but they can also be very powerful. dribeas shows this very nicely (, combining the pre-processor wit templates. Compare that with PiotrLegnica's idea (, which is, basically, the same, but without the macros. I'd take the macro solution over typing any day.