




I'm no jQuery expert but managed to get the effects running I required for my WordPress site frontpage at

View in FF and all works fine; the other filters reset to 'all' when one option is selected, and the correct thumbs are faded out/retained.

In IE or Safari, nothing... I built on FF and Safari on Mac localhost, I am sure it was working for Safari at at least some point... IE I expect to be difficult but not the 'decent' browsers.

But as I say, very new to Javascript/jQuery and sure I'm making a basic mistake..but read also that each browser has different event modules.. eeesh, CSS hacking bad enough, is it as much of a pain in JS development too?

Here's the js I'm using. If anyone can point me in the right direction, oh would I be grateful because this one's melting my brain :)

$(document).ready(function() {

    $("select").each( function(){
        $(this).val( $("#" + $(this).attr("id") + " option:first").val() );

    $('ul.filter option').click(function() {
        $('ul.filter .current').removeClass('current');

        $("select:not('.current')").each( function(){
            $(this).val( $("#" + $(this).attr("id") + " option:first").val() );

        var filterVal = $(this).text().toLowerCase().replace(' ','-');
        var filterWp = 'category-'+filterVal;

        if(filterWp == 'category-all') {
            $('').animate({opacity: 1})
        } else {
            $('').each(function() {
                if(!$(this).hasClass(filterWp)) {
                    $(this).animate({opacity: 0.2})
                } else {
                    $(this).animate({opacity: 1})
        return false;
+1  A: 

I don't think IE supports option click?

Try changing $('ul.filter option').click to $('select').change.

You will need to change the reference of this inside the change function as now it will refer to the select box not the option itself.

that's most likely the cause. FireFox recognises a click event on an option element, on the other hand, IE as far as I know, does not
Russ Cam
Hi, haven't checked IE yet, but turning this into an <ul> instead of <select> list meant the .click works in Safari.Still working on it but thanks for taking the time to point me in the right direction.