



Hi ppl, I am new to iphone and Objective-c. I want to show a live going match suppose football match to the users who use my app. What do i need for live video streaming in iphone app ?

any info on this is appreciated !


Guys please help anyone must have done this before ?

+1  A: 

Presuming you have video rights to the football match in question, you need an encoder which will encode live video, on the fly to the right format (mp4, h263 etc.). The iPhone method of playing these is to have a dynamic playlist which will look through chunks of the live video to play it out.

Thanks for your answer!Any examples of dynamic playlist in iphone with source code ?
Prasad-PHP Champ
+1  A: 

Heres a reference to a doc that talks about live streaming, might be of help to you

+2  A: 

You only need to give the URL of the movie file and the streams will automatically be setup according to the speed of your connection.

Mind you, only those videos whose resolution is within iPhone's limits will get played. Higher resolution movies will get played on Simulator but will not work on iPhone.

You need to have an object of MPMoviePlayerController and the rest of the code is like this:

-(void) play {

NSURL *movieURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];

if (movieURL != nil) {
 moviePlayer = [[MPMoviePlayerController alloc] initWithContentURL:movieURL];

 moviePlayer.initialPlaybackTime = -1.0;

 // Register to receive a notification when the movie has finished playing. 
 [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self

 [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self

 moviePlayer.scalingMode = MPMovieScalingModeAspectFit; 
 moviePlayer.movieControlMode = MPMovieControlModeDefault;
 moviePlayer.backgroundColor = [UIColor blackColor];

 [moviePlayer play];

-(void)moviePlayBackDidFinish: (NSNotification*)notification
self.navigationItem.hidesBackButton = FALSE;
moviePlayer = [notification object];
[moviePlayer play];

-(void)endPlay: (NSNotification*)notification
NSLog(@"end Playing");

self.navigationItem.hidesBackButton = FALSE;
//[[UIApplication sharedApplication] endIgnoringInteractionEvents];
[actview stopAnimating];

[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self name:MPMoviePlayerScalingModeDidChangeNotification object:moviePlayer];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self name:MPMoviePlayerPlaybackDidFinishNotification object:moviePlayer];

[moviePlayer stop];
[moviePlayer release];
Chintan Patel
this is just on-demand download, not live streaming.
Shivan Raptor
Just re-read the question now. You are right.
Chintan Patel