



After watching, the latest RailsCasts with the include and joins information, I know I can do what I am doing in a much more efficient way. I have a very simple User model and a Status model. The User belongs to Status and the Status has many Users. I need to count how many users have a specific kind of status, this creates a new SQL count query for every single status and I know that this is not a good way to do it. It looks like this right now.

statuses = Status.all

statuses.each do |status|

I end up with 4 queries of:

SELECT count(*) AS count_all FROM "users" WHERE ("users".status_id = 1)
SELECT count(*) AS count_all FROM "users" WHERE ("users".status_id = 2)

It goes on like that for as many different statuses as exist in the database. The big problem is that now I need to filter by another association as well which is Organization. So I need to find the count for all users who have a certain status in a certain organization. This ends up quadrupling the amount of queries I am making and feels horrible. I'm not sure what kind of join I could use to cut down on this or what I could possibly do to fix this. Thanks for the help :)

+1  A: 

You can try plain SQL:

SELECT,COUNT( AS users_count FROM statuses s, users u WHERE GROUP BY;

You're comment inspired me to find the eventual solution, thank you :)
+2  A: 

Ok so I am answering my own question, just in case anyone has the same issue.

Status.all(:joins => :users,
           :select => "statuses.*, count( as users_count",
           :group => "")

This returns every status that has users and the count of the users as users_count. In order to further refine the query and only count users that belong to a certain organization the query changes to this.

Status.all(:joins => :users,
           :select => "statuses.*, count( as users_count",
           :conditions => {:users => {:organization_id => ORG_ID_HERE}},
           :group => "")

I hope this helps anyone with the same issue and thanks to Eimantas, and Ryan Bates(RailCasts).


Out of interest, what does your Status model contain? Does it really need to be its own model? I'm guessing here, but you may want to consider implementing a finite state machine. There are a number of rails plugins that make it easy to implement an FSM e.g. acts_as_state_machine
