I have a family of classes that contain only variables of the following types: std::string, int, double. I should be able to serialize/deserialize objects of these classes to/from C string (null terminated). I don't want to use some 3rdparty serializer and do not want to write full-featured serializer by myself. I will serialize/deserialize only once in my code.
So, how to write very very tiny and yet elegant serializer and do it pretty fast?
I've written and tested my own. Maybe it will be useful for someone. If you notice some bugs or have some suggestions how to make it better, let me know. Here it is:
typedef std::ostringstream ostr;
typedef std::istringstream istr;
const char delimiter = '\n';
const int doublePrecision = 15;
void Save(ostr& os, int x) { os << x << delimiter; }
void Save(ostr& os, double x)
os << x << delimiter;
void Save(ostr& os, const std::string& x) { os << x << delimiter; }
void Load(istr& is, int& x)
is >> x;
is.rdbuf()->sbumpc(); // get rid of delimiter
void Load(istr& is, double& x)
is >> x;
is.rdbuf()->sbumpc(); // get rid of delimiter
void Load(istr& is, std::string& x) { getline(is, x, delimiter); }
std::string a = "Test string 1 2 and 2.33";
std::string b = "45";
double c = 45.7;
int d = 58;
double e = 1.0/2048;
std::ostringstream os;
Save(os, a);
Save(os, b);
Save(os, c);
Save(os, d);
Save(os, e);
std::string serialized = os.str();
std::string aa;
std::string bb;
double cc = 0.0;
int dd = 0;
double ee = 0.0;
std::istringstream is(serialized);
Load(is, aa);
Load(is, bb);
Load(is, cc);
Load(is, dd);
Load(is, ee);
ASSERT(a == aa);
ASSERT(b == bb);
ASSERT(c == cc);
ASSERT(d == dd);
ASSERT(e == ee);