





I have developed few custom components for joomla. Whenever I execute these components they appear at a specific position in template say the position name be 'showcase' what I wanna do now is

how to display the component at some other arbitrary position say 'showcase2'.

Help me out my project is stuck due to this???

Thanks in advance.

+1  A: 

To do this most people provide a companion module that can render the component in a module position. Essentially this could just be a wrapper around the component with some simple parameters that have some fine tune control over the layout (e.g. max width, alternate style)

+1  A: 

Create the code you want to display as a module rather than a component. Components are designed to appear in the "main" portion of your page. If you need to, you can reference some of your component code from the module. I wouldn't recommend running the component in a wrapper in the module.

Note that exactly one component is run in each request to Joomla.
