If you want to do some longer term watching of the data for this form, then you can use cfdump with some optional parameters to keep an eye on things:
<cfdump output="fullpathtoyourdumpfile" format="html" var="#FORM#">
If you want a plain text dump instead of the normal fancy HTML one:
<cfdump output="fullpathtoyourdumpfile" format="text" var="#FORM#">
The fullpathtyourdumpfile should be the fully qualified path (including drive letter if using Windows as your CF platform) to a file, including file name. Examples:
Use .txt for plain text dumps and .html for the HTML version. If you use the HTML version, you should be able to use remote file retrieval or have the directory mounted to see the contents.
In addition, you need to make sure that every directory listed exists and is read and writable by the user running ColdFusion.
For CFMX7, try this workaround:
<cfloop list="#FORM.FIELDNAMES#" index="key">
<cfoutput>#key# ----> #evaluate(key)#<br/></cfoutput>