I have a Java program which runs in Tomcat and which needs to execute several ssh and scp commands, as well as a few simple commands such as ls on the local machine. I am having trouble with my current approach in that I am getting a time out every time I execute an ssh command. I can run the ssh command on the command line with no problems, but when it's executed from my Java program it times out. I am running the web application in which the ssh commands are executed as root (i.e. I start Tomcat as root user, with my web application code deployed as a WAR file), and as far as I know the correct certification keys are configured on both the local and remote machines, at least I can perform the ssh commands at command line as root without having to enter a user name or password. I do not specify the user name or password in the ssh command that is being executed by my Java program since I assume that I can run the same ssh command in my Java code as I can execute at command line, but maybe this is a false assumption and is the cause of my trouble.
The Java code I have developed to perform command execution is as follows:
public class ProcessUtility
static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ProcessUtility.class);
* Thread class to be used as a worker
private static class Worker
extends Thread
private final Process process;
private volatile Integer exitValue;
Worker(final Process process)
this.process = process;
public Integer getExitValue()
return exitValue;
public void run()
exitValue = process.waitFor();
catch (InterruptedException ignore)
* Executes a command.
* @param args command + arguments
public static void execCommand(final String[] args)
catch (IOException e)
// swallow it
* Executes a command.
* @param command
* @param printOutput
* @param printError
* @param timeOut
* @return
* @throws java.io.IOException
* @throws java.lang.InterruptedException
public static int executeCommand(final String command,
final boolean printOutput,
final boolean printError,
final long timeOut)
return executeCommandWithWorker(command, printOutput, printError, timeOut);
* Executes a command and returns its output or error stream.
* @param command
* @return the command's resulting output or error stream
public static String executeCommandReceiveOutput(final String command)
// create the process which will run the command
Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
final Process process = runtime.exec(command);
// consume the error and output streams
StreamGobbler outputGobbler = new StreamGobbler(process.getInputStream(), "OUTPUT", false);
StreamGobbler errorGobbler = new StreamGobbler(process.getErrorStream(), "ERROR", false);
// execute the command
if (process.waitFor() == 0)
return outputGobbler.getInput();
return errorGobbler.getInput();
catch (InterruptedException ex)
String errorMessage = "The command [" + command + "] did not complete due to an unexpected interruption.";
log.error(errorMessage, ex);
throw new RuntimeException(errorMessage, ex);
catch (IOException ex)
String errorMessage = "The command [" + command + "] did not complete due to an IO error.";
log.error(errorMessage, ex);
throw new RuntimeException(errorMessage, ex);
* Executes a command.
* @param command
* @param printOutput
* @param printError
* @param timeOut
* @return
* @throws java.io.IOException
* @throws java.lang.InterruptedException
private static int executeCommandWithExecutors(final String command,
final boolean printOutput,
final boolean printError,
final long timeOut)
// validate the system and command line and get a system-appropriate command line
String massagedCommand = validateSystemAndMassageCommand(command);
// create the process which will run the command
Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
final Process process = runtime.exec(massagedCommand);
// consume and display the error and output streams
StreamGobbler outputGobbler = new StreamGobbler(process.getInputStream(), "OUTPUT", printOutput);
StreamGobbler errorGobbler = new StreamGobbler(process.getErrorStream(), "ERROR", printError);
// create a Callable for the command's Process which can be called by an Executor
Callable<Integer> call = new Callable<Integer>()
public Integer call()
throws Exception
return process.exitValue();
// submit the command's call via an Executor and get the result from a Future
ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
Future<Integer> futureResultOfCall = executorService.submit(call);
int exitValue = futureResultOfCall.get(timeOut, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
return exitValue;
catch (TimeoutException ex)
String errorMessage = "The command [" + command + "] timed out.";
log.error(errorMessage, ex);
throw new RuntimeException(errorMessage, ex);
catch (ExecutionException ex)
String errorMessage = "The command [" + command + "] did not complete due to an execution error.";
log.error(errorMessage, ex);
throw new RuntimeException(errorMessage, ex);
catch (InterruptedException ex)
String errorMessage = "The command [" + command + "] did not complete due to an unexpected interruption.";
log.error(errorMessage, ex);
throw new RuntimeException(errorMessage, ex);
catch (IOException ex)
String errorMessage = "The command [" + command + "] did not complete due to an IO error.";
log.error(errorMessage, ex);
throw new RuntimeException(errorMessage, ex);
* Executes a command.
* @param command
* @param printOutput
* @param printError
* @param timeOut
* @return
* @throws java.io.IOException
* @throws java.lang.InterruptedException
private static int executeCommandWithWorker(final String command,
final boolean printOutput,
final boolean printError,
final long timeOut)
// validate the system and command line and get a system-appropriate command line
String massagedCommand = validateSystemAndMassageCommand(command);
// create the process which will run the command
Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
Process process = runtime.exec(massagedCommand);
// consume and display the error and output streams
StreamGobbler outputGobbler = new StreamGobbler(process.getInputStream(), "OUTPUT", printOutput);
StreamGobbler errorGobbler = new StreamGobbler(process.getErrorStream(), "ERROR", printError);
// create and start a Worker thread which this thread will join for the timeout period
Worker worker = new Worker(process);
Integer exitValue = worker.getExitValue();
if (exitValue != null)
// the worker thread completed within the timeout period
// stop the output and error stream gobblers
return exitValue;
// if we get this far then we never got an exit value from the worker thread as a result of a timeout
String errorMessage = "The command [" + command + "] timed out.";
throw new RuntimeException(errorMessage);
catch (InterruptedException ex)
throw ex;
catch (InterruptedException ex)
String errorMessage = "The command [" + command + "] did not complete due to an unexpected interruption.";
log.error(errorMessage, ex);
throw new RuntimeException(errorMessage, ex);
catch (IOException ex)
String errorMessage = "The command [" + command + "] did not complete due to an IO error.";
log.error(errorMessage, ex);
throw new RuntimeException(errorMessage, ex);
* Validates that the system is running a supported OS and returns a system-appropriate command line.
* @param originalCommand
* @return
private static String validateSystemAndMassageCommand(final String originalCommand)
// make sure that we have a command
if (originalCommand.isEmpty() || (originalCommand.length() < 1))
String errorMessage = "Missing or empty command line parameter.";
throw new RuntimeException(errorMessage);
// make sure that we are running on a supported system, and if so set the command line appropriately
String massagedCommand;
String osName = System.getProperty("os.name");
if (osName.equals("Windows XP"))
massagedCommand = "cmd.exe /C " + originalCommand;
else if (osName.equals("Solaris") || osName.equals("SunOS") || osName.equals("Linux"))
massagedCommand = originalCommand;
String errorMessage = "Unable to run on this system which is not Solaris, Linux, or Windows XP (actual OS type: \'" +
osName + "\').";
throw new RuntimeException(errorMessage);
return massagedCommand;
class StreamGobbler
extends Thread
static private Log log = LogFactory.getLog(StreamGobbler.class);
private InputStream inputStream;
private String streamType;
private boolean displayStreamOutput;
private final StringBuffer inputBuffer = new StringBuffer();
private boolean keepGobbling = true;
* Constructor.
* @param inputStream the InputStream to be consumed
* @param streamType the stream type (should be OUTPUT or ERROR)
* @param displayStreamOutput whether or not to display the output of the stream being consumed
StreamGobbler(final InputStream inputStream,
final String streamType,
final boolean displayStreamOutput)
this.inputStream = inputStream;
this.streamType = streamType;
this.displayStreamOutput = displayStreamOutput;
* Returns the output stream of the
* @return
public String getInput()
return inputBuffer.toString();
* Consumes the output from the input stream and displays the lines consumed if configured to do so.
public void run()
InputStreamReader inputStreamReader = new InputStreamReader(inputStream);
BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(inputStreamReader);
String line = null;
while (keepGobbling && inputStreamReader.ready() && ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null))
if (displayStreamOutput)
System.out.println(streamType + ">" + line);
catch (IOException ex)
log.error("Failed to successfully consume and display the input stream of type " + streamType + ".", ex);
catch (IOException e)
// swallow it
public void stopGobbling()
keepGobbling = false;
I execute the ssh commands in my Java program like so:
ProcessUtility.executeCommand("ssh " + physicalHostIpAddress + " virsh list \| grep " + newDomUName, false, false, 3600000)
Can anyone see what I am doing wrong? BTW the above code was developed using this article as a guide: http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jw-12-2000/jw-1229-traps.html. I am not very expert with concurrent programming so perhaps I am doing something boneheaded -- feel free to point it out if so.
Thanks a lot in advance for any suggestions, ideas, etc.
Update: I have now taken the advice of the helpful folks who responded to my original question and have written a class which provides methods for making ssh and scp calls, implemented using two Java ssh libraries jsch (jsch-0.1.31) and sshtools (j2ssh-core-0.2.9). However neither of these implementations are working in that they are both failing at the connect step, before I even get the chance to perform authentication. I expect that I am facing some sort of configuration issue on the servers where I am running the codes, although this is not obvious since I can perform ssh and scp commands on these servers with no problems when I issue the ssh or scp commands on the command line. The Solaris servers that I am testing my code on are showing the following as a result of ssh -V:
Sun_SSH_1.3, SSH protocols 1.5/2.0, OpenSSL 0x0090801f
Below is the Java code I have written for this purpose -- if anyone can see what I am doing wrong at the Java code level then please let me know, and if so thanks a lot in advance for your help.
public class SecureCommandUtility
static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SecureCommandUtility.class);
* Performs a secure copy of a single file (using scp).
* @param localFilePathName
* @param username
* @param password
* @param remoteHost
* @param remoteFilePathName
* @param timeout
public static void secureCopySingleFile(final String localFilePathName,
final String username,
final String password,
final String remoteHost,
final String remoteFilePathName,
final int timeout)
// basic validation of the parameters
if ((localFilePathName == null) || localFilePathName.isEmpty())
// log the error and throw an exception
String errorMessage = "Error executing the secure copy -- the supplied local file path name parameter is null or empty.";
throw new LifecycleException(errorMessage);
if ((username == null) || username.isEmpty())
// log the error and throw an exception
String errorMessage = "Error executing the secure copy -- the supplied user name parameter is null or empty.";
throw new LifecycleException(errorMessage);
if ((password == null) || password.isEmpty())
// log the error and throw an exception
String errorMessage = "Error executing the secure copy -- the supplied password parameter is null or empty.";
throw new LifecycleException(errorMessage);
if ((remoteHost == null) || remoteHost.isEmpty())
// log the error and throw an exception
String errorMessage = "Error executing the secure copy -- the supplied remote host parameter is null or empty.";
throw new LifecycleException(errorMessage);
if ((remoteFilePathName == null) || remoteFilePathName.isEmpty())
// log the error and throw an exception
String errorMessage = "Error executing the secure copy -- the supplied remote file path name parameter is null or empty.";
throw new LifecycleException(errorMessage);
if (timeout < 1000)
// log the error and throw an exception
String errorMessage = "Error executing the secure copy -- the supplied timeout parameter is less than one second.";
throw new LifecycleException(errorMessage);
//secureCopySingleFileJSch(localFilePathName, username, password, remoteHost, remoteFilePathName);
secureCopySingleFileJ2Ssh(localFilePathName, username, password, remoteHost, remoteFilePathName, timeout);
* @param user
* @param password
* @param remoteHost
* @param command
* @return exit status of the command
public static int secureShellCommand(final String user,
final String password,
final String remoteHost,
final String command,
final int timeout)
// basic validation of the parameters
if ((user == null) || user.isEmpty())
// log the error and throw an exception
String errorMessage = "Error executing the ssh command \'" + command +
"\': the supplied user name parameter is null or empty.";
throw new LifecycleException(errorMessage);
if ((password == null) || password.isEmpty())
// log the error and throw an exception
String errorMessage = "Error executing the ssh command \'" + command +
"\': the supplied password parameter is null or empty.";
throw new LifecycleException(errorMessage);
if ((remoteHost == null) || remoteHost.isEmpty())
// log the error and throw an exception
String errorMessage = "Error executing the ssh command \'" + command +
"\': the supplied remote host parameter is null or empty.";
throw new LifecycleException(errorMessage);
if ((command == null) || command.isEmpty())
// log the error and throw an exception
String errorMessage = "Error executing the ssh command: the supplied command parameter is null or empty.";
throw new LifecycleException(errorMessage);
if (timeout < 1000)
// log the error and throw an exception
String errorMessage = "Error executing the ssh command \'" + command +
"\': the supplied timeout parameter is less than one second.";
throw new LifecycleException(errorMessage);
//return secureShellCommandJsch(user, password, remoteHost, command, timeout);
return secureShellCommandJ2Ssh(user, password, remoteHost, command, timeout);
* Performs a secure copy of a single file (using scp).
* @param localFilePathName
* @param username
* @param password
* @param remoteHost
* @param remoteFilePathName
* @param timeout
private static void secureCopySingleFileJ2Ssh(final String localFilePathName,
final String username,
final String password,
final String remoteHost,
final String remoteFilePathName,
final int timeout)
SshClient sshClient = null;
// create and connect client
sshClient = new SshClient();
sshClient.connect(remoteHost, 22, new IgnoreHostKeyVerification());
// perform password-based authentication
PasswordAuthenticationClient passwordAuthenticationClient = new PasswordAuthenticationClient();
if (sshClient.authenticate(passwordAuthenticationClient) != AuthenticationProtocolState.COMPLETE)
// log the error and throw an exception
String errorMessage = "Failed to copy \'" + localFilePathName + "\' to \'" + remoteHost + ":" +
remoteFilePathName + "\' -- failed to authenticate using username/password \'" +
username + "\'/\'" + password + "\'.";
throw new LifecycleException(errorMessage);
// perform the copy
sshClient.openScpClient().put(localFilePathName, remoteFilePathName, false);
catch (Exception ex)
// log the error and throw an exception
String errorMessage = "Failed to copy \'" + localFilePathName + "\' to \'" + remoteHost + ":" +
remoteFilePathName + "\'.";
log.error(errorMessage, ex);
throw new LifecycleException(errorMessage, ex);
if ((sshClient != null) && sshClient.isConnected())
* Performs a secure copy of a single file (using scp).
* @param localFilePathName
* @param user
* @param password
* @param remoteHost
* @param remoteFilePathName
private static void secureCopySingleFileJSch(final String localFilePathName,
final String user,
final String password,
final String remoteHost,
final String remoteFilePathName)
Session session = null;
Channel channel = null;
FileInputStream fileInputStream = null;
// create and connect Jsch session
JSch jsch = new JSch();
session = jsch.getSession(user, remoteHost, 22);
// exec 'scp -p -t remoteFilePathName' remotely
String command = "scp -p -t " + remoteFilePathName;
channel = session.openChannel("exec");
((ChannelExec) channel).setCommand(command);
// get the I/O streams for the remote scp
OutputStream outputStream = channel.getOutputStream();
InputStream inputStream = channel.getInputStream();
// connect the channel
int ackCheck = checkAck(inputStream);
if (checkAck(inputStream) != 0)
// log the error and throw an exception
String errorMessage = "The scp command failed -- input stream ACK check failed with the following result: " +
throw new LifecycleException(errorMessage);
// send "C0644 filesize filename", where filename should not include '/'
long filesize = (new File(localFilePathName)).length();
command = "C0644 " + filesize + " ";
if (localFilePathName.lastIndexOf('/') > 0)
command += localFilePathName.substring(localFilePathName.lastInde