I have this insane homework where I have to create an expression to validate date with respect to Julian and Gregorian calendar and many other things ...
The problem is that it must be all in one expression, so I can't use any ;
Are there any options of defining variable in expression? Something like
d < 31 && (bool leapyear = y % 4 == 0) || (leapyear ? d % 2 : 3) ....
where I could define and initialize one or more variables and use them in that one expression without using any ;
Edit: It is explicitly said, that it must be a one-line expression. No functions ..
The way I'm doing it right now is writing macros and expanding them, so I end up with stuff like this
#define isJulian(d, m, y) (y < 1751 || (y == 1752 && (m < 9) || (m == 9 && d <= 2)))
#define isJulianLoopYear(y) (y % 4 == 0)
#define isGregorian(d, m, y) (y > 1573 || (y == 1752 && (m > 9) || (m == 9 && d > 13)))
#define isGregorianLoopYear(y) ((y % 4 == 0) || (y % 400 = 0))
// etc etc ....
looks like this is the only suitable way to solve the problem
edit: Here is original question
Suppose we have variables d
and y
containing day, month and year. Task is to write one single expression which decides, if date is valid or not. Value should be true (non-zero value) if date is valid and false (zero) if date is not valid.
This is an example of expression (correct expression would look something like this):
d + 4 == y ^ 85 ? ~m : d * (y-2)
These are examples of wrong answers (not expressions):
if ( log ( d ) == 1752 ) m = 1;
for ( i = 0; i < 32; i ++ ) m = m / 2;
Submit only file containing only one single expression without ;
at the end. Don't submit commands or whole program.
- Until 2.9.1752 was Julian calendar, after that date is Gregorian calendar
- In Julian calendar is every year dividable by 4 a leap year.
- In Gregorian calendar is leap year ever year, that is dividible by 4, but is not dividible by 100. Years that are dividable by 400 are another exception and are leap years.
- 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803, 1805, 1806, ....,1899, 1900, 1901, ... ,2100, ..., 2200 are not loop years.
- 1896, 1904, 1908, ..., 1996, 2000, 2004, ..., 2396,..., 2396, 2400 are loop years
- In september 1752 is another exception, when 2.9.1752 was followed by 14.9.1752, so dates 3.9.1752, 4.9.1752, ..., 13.9.1752 are not valid.