I'm trying to build an xcode project and run it through the iPhone Simulator via applescript. I'm aware of xcodebuild but it doesn't let you run the app in the simulator. I've gotten pretty close with the script below...
tell application "Xcode"
set targetProject to project of active project document
tell targetProject
set active build configuration type to build configuration type "Debug"
set active SDK to "iphonesimulator3.0"
end tell
if (build targetProject) is equal to "Build succeeded" then
launch targetProject
end if
end tell
... but the build command doesn't seem to obey the active SDK property, it always defaults to the project's base SDK setting (such as the iPhoneOS3.0 instead of iPhonesimulator3.0)
Is there a way to tell the build command to use a specific SDK? I'm using xcode 3.2 on snow leopard.