When I read litb answer to this question, I learned that passing an array by reference allows us to obtain its size. I just played little bit with code, and tried to pass a "function" by reference and surprisingly (at least for me), this code compiles:
void execute( void (&func)() ) // func is passed by reference!
Is there any difference between the last function, and this one:
void execute( void (*func)() ) // func is passed by pointer!
I tried it using VC2008, and it produces different output in each case. The strange thing is that the compiler optimizes the code better in case of a function pointer:
void print()
std::cout << "Hello References!";
void execute( void (&func)() ) // optimized
int main()
00291020 call print (291000h)
// In this case, the compiler removes all function calls in the code!
void print() // optimized!
std::cout << "Hello Pointers!";
void execute( void (*func)() ) // optimized
int main()
002F1005 push offset string "Hello References!" (2F2124h)
002F100A push eax
002F100B call std::operator<<<std::char_traits<char> > (2F1150h)
There has to be a difference, although I don't see it, right?
Note: the code was compiled using VC2008, with /O2
and /Ot
turned on.
EDIT:: I am really interested about any difference between function references and function pointers. I examined the produced assembly code just to see how it is translated in each case.