I have two tables in which I store a tree with ordered levels like this:
Table: TreeData
ID (int) (primary key)
Data (string)
Level (int) (not null)
Table: SubTree
parentID (int) (foreign key #1 to TreeData.ID)
childID (int) (foreign key #2to TreeData.ID)
orderNumber (int) (not null)
Now lets say on some level 1, I have 2 TreeData entries with ID's 1 2 and, all children of a Treedata entry on 0 with ID 0, in logical order:
TreeData SubTree
ID Level parentID childID orderNumber
--------------- -----------------------------------
0 0
1 1 0 1 1
2 1 0 2 2
3 1 0 3 3
Now I have some data which I want to insert in the database on level 1, as child of parent 0 but "between" children 1 and 2 so the database ends up like this:
TreeData SubTree
ID Level parentID childID orderNumber
--------------- -----------------------------------
0 0
1 1 0 1 1
2 1 0 2 3 <-- order increased 1
3 1 0 3 4 <-- order increased 1
4 1 0 4 2
The data at hand on which I need to base where the new data goes is as follows:
Data (string) // the data itself
Level (int) // the level it needs to be on
parentID (int) // the id of the parent
reference_orderNumber (int) // reference to the ordernumber 'this' data
// needs to come before or after
placement (string) // either "before" or "after"
// in case of "after" the order number of 'this' data
// should be reference_orderNumber +1
// in case of "before" the order number of 'this' data
// should be equal to reference_odrderNumber
Where and how should I implement this?
Is the SQL server (I'm using MS SQL Server 2008 Developer Edition) capable of doing this ordering? (in this case I assume that would be the fastest method)
Or do I really need to fetch all the data with higher ordernumbers through linq2sql, update it inside my C# code, and put it all back into the SQL server?
How about: Moving some data inside the level (from ordernr 2 to 4, so 4 becomes 3 and 3 becomes 2)
Deleting (deleting with ordernumber 2, so 3 becomes 2 and 4 becomes 3)
Moving data outside the level (from ordernr 2 (so 4 becomes 3 and 3 becomes 2) level 1 to higher/lower level, so that level needs to be reordered) ?