



I assume you are looking for "Shared Hosting"? If so, I can tell you from experience that running a web site from shared hosting can become a nightmare because you only have so much control over the setup.

I went with a Virtual Private Server (VPS), which gives you complete control over a virtual server... (remote desktop, admin rights, etc). I ended up going with 1&1 for a Windows VPS that runs about $30 a month, and I have been very happy with it (I have multiple MVC sites running on it).

If this is going to be a serious web site, I would consider a VPS over shared hosting. Hope this helps!

yes this is all shared hosting. I don't expect much traffic first few months with this site.

Bin deploying the ASP.NET MVC does not require full trust. My host (LiquidSix) runs its shared hosting options with a Medium trust setup, and I've bin deployed the both System.Web.Mvc.dll and Microsoft.Web.Mvc.dll to the site with no major issues.

Also, ASP.NET MVC runs in Medium Trust, so it should work with most hosting providers’ Medium Trust policies. It’s always possible that a hosting provider customizes their Medium Trust policy to be draconian.

The only downside with them at the moment is they are still running on IIS6, and I've not asked them/tried to set up a wild card mapping to the ASP.NET handler - so my site requires the standard work around of controllers having a .aspx extension.

One nice benefit of using the .aspx extension instead of .mvc is that you don’t have to worry about mapping the .aspx extension. It should already be mapped assuming you have ASP.NET installed properly on the machine.

Zhaph - Ben Duguid
+1  A: 

Ended up going with GoDaddy for now. Got a good deal. $1.99 domain with deluxe package. Went with deluxe as found 20% off promo code with a google search. Paid $65 total. Will be able to jump to a dedicated server for a reasonable price as well if needed.

