



Hello R programmers!

I used the package languageR for mixed effect models with the syntax at the end of this posting. I can use pvals.fnc to get p-values for model 1 and 3 (hd_lmer1 and hd_lmer2). Using this with model two gives the following error message:

p2 = pvals.fnc(hd_lmer2) Error in pvals.fnc(hd_lmer2) : MCMC sampling is not yet implemented in lme4_0.999375 for models with random correlation parameters

I'd be grateful if any one could help me out on how to get p-values for such models.


 hd_lmer1 <- lmer(rot~ time + group + sex + gen + (1 | subject) + (1|rot.pre), data = data_long,REML = TRUE)
 hd_lmer2 <- lmer(rot~ time + group + sex + gen + (time | subject) + (1|rot.pre), data = data_long,REML = TRUE)
 hd_lmer3 <- lmer(rot~ time*group + sex + gen + (1 | subject) + (1|rot.pre), data = data_long,REML = TRUE)