



I have frames with panels displaying large grids (11x1600 and 4x34) with the 4x34 having Very Long strings, including multiple line mini-tables and Long lines requiring word wrapping within the same cells. Cells in excess of 2000 characters. Created using Python 2.5x, wxPython 2.8x and Boa 0.6.1. wx.grid.GridCellAutoWrapStringRenderer makes the cells word wrap, but doesn't permit line breaks. wx.grid.GridCellAutoWrapStringEditor permits line breaks or multiline displays, but doesn't allow word wrapping, so the data just disappears off the right side of the cell. Only by actually editing or entering the cell can one see the multiple lined and word wrapped data (when using ...Editor). The ...Editor seems to conflict with the ...Renderer as well as with the AutoSizeRows function; the ...Renderer seems to trump the ...Editor.

Another weird thing is that the presence of command buttons on the same panel as the grid cells using the ...Editor Disables the multiline capability of the ...Editor!

I would appreciate any suggestions to resolve this. Completely unfamiliar with creating custom editors and renderers. I can live with the limitations on the 11x1600 grid; but not the 4x34 grid. I can get all the functionality I want by using text boxes, but ... I'd have to create about a hundred text boxes on a panel!

Thanks in advance!