I need to convert a string to a char * for use in strtok_s and have been unable to figure it out. c_str() converts to a const char *, which is incompatible.
Also, if someone could explain to me why the second strtok_s function (inside the loop) is necessary, it'd be a great help. Why do i need to explicitly advance the token rather than, for example, the while loop it is in, which fetches each line of a file consecutively, implicitly.
while( getline(myFile, line) ) { // Only one line anyway. . . is there a better way?
char * con = line.c_str();
token = strtok_s( con, "#", &next_token);
while ((token != NULL))
printf( " %s\n", token );
token = strtok_s( NULL, "#", &next_token);
related question.