Hi there,
I've got a simple form that enables users to enter a promotional code and email address to be signed up to an email as follows. But at present it doesn't validate the email correctly.
There is an include file doreferral.asp that; Checks to see if the code they entered exists in a table of promotional codes and also Checks to see if the email address already exists.
I have added emailValidate to check to see if the email address is valid and if not, and then tell the user in the <%=sys_message%>.
However, it's currently stopping genuine emails so the validation isn't working. :S
My doreferral.asp looks like this;
Code = replace(request.Form("Code"),"'","")
Email = replace(request.Form("Email"),"'","")
sys_message = ""
submission = ""
''//Check the submitted code against existing ones in the database
set conn = server.CreateObject("ADODB.connection")
qs = "SELECT COUNT(AgentReferralCode) AS 'CountCodes' FROM Customers WHERE AgentReferralCode = '" & Code & "'"
set rs = conn.Execute(qs)
CountCode = rs("CountCodes")
set rs = nothing
set conn = nothing
If(CountCode < 1) Then
sys_message = sys_message & "<p class='err'>The agent code does not exist.</p>"
End If
''//Check to see if the email address is valid
Dim emailValidate
emailValidate = 0 'Initializing goby to 0
''//if the len is less than 5 then it can't be an email
''//(i.e.: [email protected])
If Len(session("Email")) <= 5 Then
emailValidate = 1
End If
If InStr(1, session("Email"), "@", 1) < 2 Then
'If we find one and only one @, then the
'email address is good to go.
emailValidate = 1
If InStr(1,session("Email"), ".", 1) < 4 Then
'Must have a '.' too
emailValidate = 1
End If
End If
If emailValidate <> 0 then
sys_message = sys_message & "<p class='err'>The email address is not valid.</p>"
End If
''//Check the submitted email against existing ones in the database
set conn = server.CreateObject("ADODB.connection")
qs = "SELECT COUNT(ReferredEmail) AS 'Count' FROM TenantReferral WHERE ReferredEmail = '" & Email & "'"
set rs = conn.Execute(qs)
countEmail = rs("Count")
set rs = nothing
set conn = nothing
If(countEmail >= 1) Then
sys_message = sys_message & "<p class='err'>This email address has already been referred.</p>"
End If
''//Only Process the SQL if there is no sys_message
If(sys_message = "") Then
SQLfields = SQLfields & "ReferredCode, "
SQLvalues = SQLvalues & "'"& Trim(Code) &"', "
SQLfields = SQLfields & "ReferredEmail"
SQLvalues = SQLvalues & "'"& Trim(Email) &"'"
SQL = SQL & "INSERT into TenantReferral ("& SQLfields &") VALUES ("& SQLvalues &")"
set conn = server.CreateObject("ADODB.connection")
conn.open application("DATABASE")
SET rs = conn.execute(SQL)
[Send email code]
sys_message = sys_message & "<p class='ok'>Thank you for your referral.</p>"
submission = "ok"
End If
I wondered if anyone might be able to help debug the emailValidate functionality to check if the email address is valid?
Thank you.