



Can anyone suggest any mathematical or programming books that have helped you progress in your learning whilst completing the project Euler problems? Even some suggestions for study areas or appropriate websites would be much appreciated.


So far I've done a fair few of the Project Euler problems (I'm close to level 3). For the earlier problems it was easy to look things up on mathworld and wikipedia. For other problems Mathematica has been helpful. Now, it's getting to the point where I don't even know the names of some of the processes that are mentioned in the solution forum posts. Recently, I've found Proofs from THE BOOK to be quite helpful, but I'm looking for other reading material.


My 2 cents:

I solved all Project Euler problems without looking too much up about the background. If I need to understand a word, okay. It really helped me to get in inside view of mathematical problems. So, I would suggest not to read so much about the problems before you solved them.

Afterwards it is really entertaining to get in touch with the background of the problem.

Recommended reading:

Steve Yegge Blog

I don't agree. Project Euler problems are already completely out of context, mathematics is learned with a context, the theory is learned, examples are learned, then you solve exercices and then you apply them to some programming problem or whatever. PE mixed up the order, and it's not the way it should be.
@bastianneu: "I solved all Project Euler problems " - really? That's quite an achievement.
Mitch Wheat
Well to be honest...newest problems always give me a hard time. Atm i am not able to solve everything cause of my lack of understanding...but that is what it is all about..challenge yourself and have fun.
+4  A: 

Don't expect too much from a book.

Davenport's Higher Arithmetic: it has a nice introduction to continued fractions, and IIRC it explains how to derive the standard enumeration formula for Pythagorean and similar triples. Theres a lot more about solving Diophantine equations, but I didn't find it too interesting.

A math reference (Bronstein in my case): Helped me with formulas for triangles, ellipses and cube roots.

Some of the best stuff is in the forum threads after solving a problem, read it carefully.

Otherwise I also look up stuff on Wikipedia, and Mathworld.

Generally helpful math and algorithm background:

  • Modulo

  • Dynamic programming

  • Sieving

  • Combinatorics (Permutations, Combinations, Partitions and how to enumerate them)

  • Estimating the runtime of possible solutions

But since you solved 100+ problems you probably know that.

Edit: I forgot to mention Diophantine Analysis by Carmichael.

dude what book again ? that book is extremely old, how can you recommend such a book ? do you know what you're talking about ?!
+1  A: 


there's usually a pattern involved, so get to Slone's:

Sloane's kind of cheating but yeah I use it also :D