I got quite a few jQuery scripts in my js file, and now I'm experiencing the CPU going through the roof when I open the page in Firefox.
Looking at Firebugs console panel, I see the following error: too much recursion.
Then it refers to my jquery-1.3.2.min.js file.
How can I discover which jQuery function triggers the CPU spike?
I know I can deactivate one and one jQuery function, till I find the cause. I'm just hoping there is a better way of debugging.
I discovered when I opened the script from Firebug, that the jquery-1.3.2.min.js file belonged to another site (one of the many pges I have open in my Browser).
I was fooled because the browser spiked only when I opened my own page. Could it be that this occurs then the browser loads both jquery-1.3.2.min.js and jquery-1.3.2.js?