



I'm writing code to read in a 7x15 block of text in a file that will represent a 'maze'.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include "board.h"  

int main()
    char charBoard[7][15]; //the array we will use to scan the maze and modify it
    ifstream loadMaze("maze"); //the fstream we will use to take in a maze
    char temp; //our temperary holder of each char we read in

    for(int i = 0;i < 7; i++)

     for(int j = 0; j < 15; j++)
  temp= loadMaze.get();
  charBoard[i][j] = temp;
  cout << charBoard[i][j];  //testing
 cout << endl;

return 0;

this was my original draft but this didnt work as it kept returning ? for each char it read. This is the maze im testing with:

############  #
 ######### ####
 # !       #   

EDIT: The cout is printing this:



 # !      

Am I not escaping \n's?

I've been coding for a few hours so I think its a simple mistake I'm not catching that's tripping me up right now. Thanks!

+1  A: 

Try an absolute path like "c:\MyMazes\maze".

Throw in a system("cd") to see where the current directory is. If you're having trouble finding the current directory, check out this SO discussion

Here's the complete code - this should display your entire maze (if possible) and the current directory.

 char charBoard[7][15];      //the array we will use to scan the maze and modify it
     ifstream loadMaze("c:\\MyMazes\\maze");  //the fstream we will use to take in a maze

 for(int i = 0;i < 7; i++)
        // Display a new line
  for(int j = 0; j < 15; j++)
             //Read the maze character
       cout << charBoard[i][j];  //testing
        // Read the newline
 return 0;
 return 1;

Can you check whether extraction from file is proper: using good() API of ifstream

for(int j = 0; j < 15; j++)
     cout << "path incorrect";


    temp= loadMaze.get();

    cout << "temp = " << temp << endl; //testing
    charBoard[i][j] = temp;
    cout << charBoard[i][j];  //testing


in the beginning itself:

ifstream loadMaze("maze"); 
Thanks! I'm indeed getting !good()...but why? Maze is in the same folder as all the files
danny z
Throw in a system("cd") to see where the current directory is
That's actually not doing anything for me, can you eleborate on system("cd"); ?
danny z
What compiler are you using? That's supposed to print your current working directory.
You can try by giving the absolute path : something like "c:\maze"
Looks like current working directory is different. try system("cd"); as suggested by @Jacob
ok it didn't work for textmate but in xCode it shows me the path
danny z
Are you using VS? Try to put the "maze" into the directoy that contains .vcproj .
Anybody have any other ideas?
danny z
I thought you found the path?
ah ok, when I run it in Xcode it hides the file about 7 folders deep and I've found it. But the problem is that now it prints a mess. I'll edit my question
danny z
Did you try the code in my answer? It worked for me.
danny z

try adding the line

if (!loadMaze) throw 1;

after the declaration of loadMaze, this will throw an exception if the file isn't there. This is a hack, really you should throw a real error. But it works to test.


Check whether the file opening failed or not. You can find this out by checking if it's good:

If the file opening has failed, then try writing in the absolute path to the file (C:/Documents and Settings/.../maze), to see whether that works. If it does, it's just the file path that's wrong, and you'll have to play with that.
