In my viewWillLoad: method I'm currently doing something along these lines:
- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated {
NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
if ( [defaults boolForKey:@"enabled_preference"] ) {
} else {
[super viewWillAppear:animated];
If I build and run the application before opening the preference pane (built using a normal Settings.bundle) then the bool seems to be NO (or more probably nil) rather than the default YES. However if I open the Settings application and look at the application preference pane before I open the application, everything works as expected.
I'm presuming that the application preferences aren't initialized and I should initialise them to the default value (if not already set) in the application delegate. Can someone confirm this? Or am I missing something else blindingly obvious here?