The following is a erlang function. I don't understand how lists:map function is used here. Could someone please explain?
% perform M runs with N calls to F in each run.
% For each of the M runs, determine the average time per call.
% Return, the average and standard deviation of these M results.
time_it(F, N, M) ->
G = fun() -> F(), ok end,
NN = lists:seq(1, N),
MM = lists:seq(1, M),
T = lists:map(
fun(_) ->
T0 = now(), % start timer
[ G() || _ <- NN ], % make N calls to F
1.0e-6*timer:now_diff(now(), T0)/N % average time per call
{ avg(T), std(T) }.
also, I don't know the proper syntax when using this function. For example, I have a dummy() function take 1 parameter. I get an error while trying to time the dummy function.
moduleName:time_it(moduleName:dummy/1, 10, 100).
the above would evaluate to illegal expression.
Actually, now with the correct syntax, the function can be invoked correctly with:
moduleName:time_it(fun moduleName:dummy/1, 10, 100).
However, it will throw a exception saying invoking dummy function without passing any parameter. I think this line is the villain, [ G() || _ <- NN ],
I have no idea how to fix it.