



Is there a Java equivalent of the C / C++ function called frexp? If you aren't familiar, frexp is defined by Wikipedia to "break floating-point number down into mantissa and exponent."

I am looking for an implementation with both speed and accuracy but I would rather have the accuracy if I could only choose one.

This is the code sample from the first reference. It should make the frexp contract a little more clear:

/* frexp example */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

int main ()
  double param, result;
  int n;

  param = 8.0;
  result = frexp (param , &n);
  printf ("%lf * 2^%d = %f\n", result, n, param);
  return 0;

/* Will produce: 0.500000 * 2^4 = 8.000000 */

I'm not familiar with the frexp function, but I think you need to look at the BigDecimal' scaled and unscaled values. 'unscaled' is the precision mantissa, scale is the exponent. In psuedocode: value = unscaledValue 10^(-scale)

+1  A: 

See Float.floatToIntBits and Double.doubleToLongBits. You still need a little additional logic to decode IEEE 754 floating points.

Maurice Perry
Thanks - I'm aware of the ability to get at the bits. What I'm concerned with is not the base case of parsing s, e, and m from the bit set. I'm more worried about having a complete implementation of frexp that maintains the contract of handling all the corner cases (different flavors of NaN, for example).
Bob Cross

This does do what you want.

public class Test {
  public class FRex {

    public FRexPHolder frexp (double value) {
      FRexPHolder ret = new FRexPHolder();

      ret.exponent = 0;
      ret.mantissa = 0;

      if (value == 0.0 || value == -0.0) {
        return ret;

      if (Double.isNaN(value)) {
        ret.mantissa = Double.NaN;
        ret.exponent = -1;
        return ret;

      if (Double.isInfinite(value)) {
        ret.mantissa = value;
        ret.exponent = -1;
        return ret;

      ret.mantissa = value;
      ret.exponent = 0;
      int sign = 1;

      if (ret.mantissa < 0f) {
        ret.mantissa = -(ret.mantissa);
      while (ret.mantissa < 0.5f) {
        ret.mantissa *= 2.0f;
        ret.exponent -= 1;
      while (ret.mantissa >= 1.0f) {
        ret.mantissa *= 0.5f;
      ret.mantissa *= sign;
      return ret;

  public class FRexPHolder {
    int exponent;
    double mantissa;

  public static void main(String args[]) {
    new Test();

  public Test() {
    double value = 8.0;
    //double value = 0.0;
    //double value = -0.0;
    //double value = Double.NaN;
    //double value = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    //double value = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;

    FRex test = new FRex();
    FRexPHolder frexp = test.frexp(value);
    System.out.println("Mantissa: " + frexp.mantissa);
    System.out.println("Exponent: " + frexp.exponent);
    System.out.println("Original value was: " + value);
    System.out.println(frexp.mantissa+" * 2^" + frexp.exponent + " = ");
@jitter, thanks but frexp actually works with the bits of the IEEE floating point standard rather than trying to deduce a mathematical result. That's the goal of this question.
Bob Cross
Umm thanks to whoever for the unjustified downvote on a working solution.
Hmm you didn't mention that in your question. And the first google results on frepx don't mention that either.

Nope there is no current implementation in core Java or in the Commons Lang(most likely other place to find it) that has the exact same functionality and ease of frexp; that I know of. If it does exist it's probably in a not widely used toolkit.

non sequitor

If I'm reading this right...

public class Frexp {
  public static void main (String[] args)
    double param, result;
    int n;

    param = 8.0;
    n = Math.getExponent(param);
    //result = ??

    System.out.printf ("%f * 2^%d = %f\n", result, n, param);

Unfortunately, there doesn't appear to be a built-in method to get the mantissa without converting it to a BigDecimal first (or just doing the division: result = param / Math.pow(2,n).

Strangely enough, scalb does the exact opposite: take a mantissa and exponent and generate a new float from it.

R. Bemrose
@R. Bemrose, the whole point of the exercise is not to convert. Instead, the function takes the IEEE standard floating point representation and decodes that. The goal isn't to come up with a mathematical expression that seems to give the same answer.
Bob Cross
+1  A: 

How's this?

public static class FRexpResult
   public int exponent = 0;
   public double mantissa = 0.;

public static FRexpResult frexp(double value)
   final FRexpResult result = new FRexpResult();
   long bits = Double.doubleToLongBits(value);
   double realMant = 1.;

   // Test for NaN, infinity, and zero.
   if (Double.isNaN(value) || 
       value + value == value || 
      result.exponent = 0;
      result.mantissa = value;

      boolean neg = (bits < 0);
      int exponent = (int)((bits >> 52) & 0x7ffL);
      long mantissa = bits & 0xfffffffffffffL;

      if(exponent == 0)
         mantissa = mantissa | (1L<<52);

      // bias the exponent - actually biased by 1023.
      // we are treating the mantissa as m.0 instead of 0.m
      //  so subtract another 52.
      exponent -= 1075;
      realMant = mantissa;

      // normalize
      while(realMant > 1.0) 
         mantissa >>= 1;
         realMant /= 2.;

         realMant = realMant * -1;

      result.exponent = exponent;
      result.mantissa = realMant;
   return result;

This is "inspired" or actually nearly copied identically from an answer to a similar C# question. It works with the bits and then makes the mantissa a number between 1.0 and 0.0.

Jay R.