




Hi, all. First of all, thanks for this wonderful place to ask :)

http : //stackoverflow.com/questions/1017706/how-to-expose-red5s-sharedobjects-through-soap

recently, I have read this page and start to follow the example exactly to produce 2 class file and using the wsgen to produce a folder with 2 file which match to my function name (1 function name file, 1 function name + respond file).

then i put it under red5 server webapps

my endpoint publish address is http : //localhost:8686/abc/def

and i get a schema kind of thing by typing http : //localhost:8686/abc/def?WSDL.

everything fine, but, when I try outside, it can't.

my router has link to dyndns.org.

based on normal case. i want to http : //xyz.dyndns.org:8686/abc/def?WSDL to see thing is ok. but what i get is firefox can't establish the connection, if I use netbeans mobile application web service client to find the wsdl file, it will said "connection refused...".

what can I do?

pls help me out.

I have on the router firewall and even windows firewall on ports 5080, 1935 and 8686.

Did I miss something?


Make sure your server is listening on the xyz.dyndns.org hostname and not localhost.

How do you start up the red5 web server? Try to look for an option to change the hostname of the server (should be changeable along with port number).


sorry. I think I switch to use Axis2. Thanks for your help :D
