



Hey Guys.

I will like to see if everybody could share any good training sources on OOP on PHP language.

Good Training Sources for OOP (Object Oriented Programming) PHP, anyone ?

I've seen numerous tutorials, mostly superficial, some of them bad.

Please share anything good either commercial or free, Video or Written.

+3  A: 

This is your absolute best bet, in my opinion. The documentation here includes both technical explanation as well as useful examples and plain-english wording.

Keep in mind however that PHP OOP is still in relative infancy, and there will no doubt be many things that are confusing to other OOP implementations.

PHP5's implementation of OO is anything but infantile. It has limitations because of design choices, but they are a choice few.
The Wicked Flea
+5  A: 

I love the PHP Manual's guide to OOP. It's to the point and has many examples.

Ólafur Waage

Since is conceptual and not language specific, look for any good OOP resource in any language and try and make it work in PHP.

Look at concepts like design patters, unit testing and domain driven development and you will expose yourself to a lot of OOP knowledge.

Start using libraries like Zend Framework and Doctrine PHP ORM in your PHP projects. They are object-oriented and by using them you will develop a greater understanding.

Also check out phpPatterns and the c2 wiki.


Palo Verde
+1  A: 

It's a bit more on the advanced side of OOP, since it's about design patterns, but I really like Martin Fowler's Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture ( And you can never go wrong with the Gang of Four's pattern book (

The nice thing about learning patterns is that they're language agnostic. Learn a pattern, use it in (almost) any language :)


For starting the php phpmaual is the best thing that is available. You can also try If you wants some more resources on the oops concept and examples then you can go to Here you will find some incredible projects of php.

+2  A: have a good video course:

Lynda - PHP with MySQL Beyond the Basics
