




I am using php's imagejpeg to save a GD image resource to a file, doing this:

imagejpeg($im, '../images/' . $image_id . '.jpg');

It works fine, but according to my browser, it tries to read the file as text/plain:

Resource interpreted as image but transferred with MIME type text/plain.

Is there a step before saving the file that I am supposed to do to make sure it's using the right mine-type?

I am using windows (XAMPP), could it be a Windows issue? EDIT: nope. I just tested in a linux server.

As far as the actual displaying, it's just plain html . My upload code is supposed to saves= the file as a plain jpeg in the server. It's just not saving it with the right mime type.



It sounds like you're dumping the contents of the file to the browser and not actually telling the browser what type of file it is. Try adding a Content-type header before you output your image to the browser:

header('Content-type: image/jpeg');
no no, I actually display my images the old fashion way: <img src="../images/2.jpg" />. My upload script saves a static jpeg file.

Are you sure you aren't using the wrong file-extension name? Otherwise, just put an normal image in the server and make sure the mime-types are properly configured. It could also be that your image data from the manipulation is corrupted.

My file extensions are .jpg.I just tested by manually upload an image, and the mime type is correct there. So it's really about the way the php SAVES the image on the server.
+1  A: 

AFAIK, the Apache server - in standard out of the box configuration - should sent content-type headers purely based upon file extension. Apache shouldn't even even be looking at the contents or how it was originally generated/stored.

On my out-of-the-box Apache2, the file conf/mime.types contains the line:

image/jpeg jpeg jpg jpe

which ought to do it, right?

Can you post a test-case, say, a simple html page with two img tags: one for your generated image, and one for a standard image that seems to work fine?

One last thought: Does it occur in all browsers? Maybe it's a browser issue, not a server one?

David Weinraub