i came across the following blog post that explained the topic. However I do have troubles with the given samples.
It verifies target-action binding like so:
STAssertEquals([doSomethingButton action], @selector(doSomething:),
@"The button should send -doSomething: to its target.");
STAssertEquals([doSomethingButton target], _windowController,
@"The button should send its action to the window controller.");
This works as long as doSomethingButton is a UIBarButton. UISwitch or UIButton don't have a target or action property. I tried the following to assert on their target-action wiring:
GHAssertNotNil([[controller logSwitch] actionsForTarget:controller forControlEvent:UIControlEventValueChanged], nil);
However, it fails even though I have confirmed the action is properly called in the simulator. What is the right way to assert on target-action wiring for a UIControl?
UIControl - (NSSet *)allTargets
seems to return nothing, even if debugging the application and executing it in the called action!!!