I have a tableview. One of the columns in the tableview uses an NSLevelIndicatorCell.
I want to be able to allow the user to edit the warn and critical values for the level indicator such that when they enter a value into a a "warning level" textbox, it changes the warn value of the level indicators being displayed in ALL of the tableview's rows.
I am very much a newbie with Objective-C so all I can figure out so far is that I must need a delegate method to watch the textbox BUT if I succeed in doing that, how on earth do I send the new value to the particular tableview column so that the update happens to ALL of the rows (i.e. how do I send what message to the tableview and target a cell within a column within a tableview)?
Here is the code to the solution I came up with should anyone need it.
- (IBAction)setWarningLevel:(id)sender {
double v;
NSScanner *ns = [NSScanner scannerWithString:[warnLevel stringValue]];
[ns scanDouble:&v];
[levelIndicator setWarningValue:v];