Well, I tried and failed so, here I am again.
I need to match my abs path pattern.
I am in taint mode etc..
#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use strict;
use warnings;
$ENV{PATH} = "bin:/usr/bin";
I need to open the same file a couple times or more and taint forces me to untaint the file name every time. Although I may be doing something else wrong, I still need help constructing this pattern for future reference.
my $file = "$var[5]";
if ($file =~ /(\w{1}[\w-\/]*)/) {
$under = "/$1\.cnt";
} else {
You can see by my beginner attempt that I am close to clueless.
I had to add the forward slash and extension to $1
due to my poorly constructed, but working, regex.
So, I need help learning how to fix my expression so $1
represents /public_html/mystuff/10000001/001/10/01.cnt
Could someone hold my hand here and show me how to make:
$file =~ /(\w{1}[\w-\/]*)/
match my absolute path /public_html/mystuff/10000001/001/10/01.cnt
Thanks for any assistance.