My original script is as follows:
my $cmd = "dir";
open (H, "$cmd |");
my @result = <H>;
close (H);
print STDERR @result,"\n";
This scripts works fine. If I add following line to the script, it fails to work:
$ENV{"LD_LIBRARY_PATH"} = "/opt/VRTSsfmh/lib";
delete @ENV{'IFS', 'CDPATH', 'ENV',...
Well, I tried and failed so, here I am again.
I need to match my abs path pattern.
I am in taint mode etc..
#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use strict;
use warnings;
$ENV{PATH} = "bin:/usr/bin";
I need to open the same...
Just wondering... is there a PHP equivalent to Perl's Taint Mode? I don't think there is, but thought I'd ask.
perl -T
Do you use it? Does it helps you to find security holes in your Perl scripts?
Hello, how do I set the taint mode in a perl script with a
#!/usr/bin/env perl
I'm trying to add a feature to a legacy script. The script is suid, and uses perl -T (taint mode: man perlsec), for extra security. The feature I need to add is implemented in Python.
My problem is that I can't convince perlsec to preserve the suid permissions, no matter how much I launder the environment and my command lines.
This is...
When I invoke "sudo /sbin/iptables ..." in my Perl CGI scripts, I get the error:
Insecure dependency in system while running with -T switch at usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/IPC/ line 403
I tried to add "/sbin:/etc/sysconf:/etc/init.d" in $ENV{'PATH'} but still no success. Anybody has any idea?